Message from chairman / m.d
We are working diligently for nearby a decade in healthcare and lab service. Marcopolo Medical Centre (P.) LTD. is proud to host an automated and computerized laboratory in Kathmandu, Nepal which is equipped with the latest technology for a swift and accurate result as your health & well-being is our top most priority. We strive to understand and meet our clients requirements and go beyond their expectations.
We look forward and appreciate suggestions from all our clients and medical colleagues is providing us with their valuable feedback which help us in improving our services
Understanding the needs of diagnostic services of the community. Marcopolo Medical Centre (P.) LTD. under our skilled and experienced medical team endevour to provide clients timely, accurate, cost-effective and error free results from the wildest team menu. Marcopolo Medical Centre (P.) LTD. aims to manage best in terms of providing quality test reports through IT enabled technology.
Board of Directors
Our main aim of the medical sector to provider curative and preventive kinds of health sectors. We have mainly focused for physical examination, who goes to foreign employment or personal preventive care with the consulting various for different types of patients. We have standard computerized laboratory services. Digital X-Ray and other diagnostic. All kinds of equipments are up to date. Our main goal is clients satisfaction.

medical building

Marcopolo medical Centre (P.) LTD. is an Organization Providing Services in Medical Examination for people going abroad to work. It is located in north part of Kathmandu Metropolitian City.-04. This Centre is situated in Maharajgunj, Ringroad (Chappalkarkhana), Kathmandu, Nepal hence easily accessible. The major department of this centre is air-conditioned to maintain the quality of the services.
This centre was established in April 18, 2011 AD and registered in Office of the Company Registrar Tripureshwor. The company has been authorized by Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labour & Employment Nepal. It conduct medical examination for people going abroad study from its starting time, it has been working in all field of Medical Examination for all countries and authorized by Nepal Government.
It is one of the medical centres which is financed and managed by professional group. We have adequate human resources. The clinic's human resources team includes Physicians, Pathologist and Radiologist. The technical servers are managed by a number of qualified and experienced staffs. The overall management of the organization is conducted by qualified and experienced Health Care Manager.
To identify the healthy human resource to work in foreign countries based on the requirement of the demanding countries
To Identify the healthy problems of the individuals, who are goind abroad to work, to select the healthy human resources, they are totally free from contagious diseases and medically fit for their work and project the citizen of the demanding countries.
service Delivery
The service delivery system of this centre is fully scientific and practical. We follow international standard in every prcedure. Our health care maintains computerized service in monitoring record and delivery.
pathology services
The services are the major task of this centre. It includes all computerised Laboratory Service. It includes PCV & RBC Indices, MP, MF, ESR, Blood Group, Sugar, Urea, Creatinine, Billirubin (D / T) SGOT, SGPT, ALP, Albumin, Total Protein, Gamma GT, HBsAg, Anti-HCV, Anti-HIV, VDRL, TPHA Urine (R/E, M/E) Stool (R/E, M/E), Pregnancy(PT) Test etc.
medical examination
We have highly skilled and experienced team of Medical Professionals and Medical Officers. We provide the appropriate examination that are required for specific situation for the patients.
diagnosis service
Our radiology unit is highly reequipped with modern technology of computerized system and run by qualified technicians. The main function of this department is to assist the clinic team in the diagnosis to maintain the quality of service we have introduce DR X-Ray. We provide safety DR X-Ray service for our clients of the patients our room is fully air conditioned.
equipments and instruments
We have different Computerised laboratory equipment and instruments are available in as below: